Tag Archives: Journey

One Journey Ends

I’ve finally come to it – my two-year journey is coming to a close. With so many amazing people, cultures, places, and experiences, I am incredibly grateful for this time and know that it has changed me forever.

So, how have I changed and what have I learned over this time? I’ve come to realize that the world is much larger than any one viewpoint or set of norms. Instead of trying to fit the world into a box, it’s better to embrace and understand the diversity and complexities of our modern-day world. We are always better off working together than creating divisions.

Today I fly to Canada, and will transition back into a more stable lifestyle with a home base, work, and my friends/family. It will take some time to readjust and work through the reverse culture-shock; but after two years of travel, I am ready to begin the next phase of my life and the many opportunities that it will bring.

I’d like to thank my readers and the many travellers, hosts, and friends that I’ve met on my travels. You’ve made this experience very special and taught me so much through your experiences and insights. If you make it to western Canada, I’d love to meet up and show you my beautiful country!

One journey ends, but my path through life continues with the promise of ongoing adventure, good people, and great opportunity! Onward and forward with life!

Cheers, Shawn